Sabrina Ghayour gives us simple, delicious, crowd-pleasing recipes with Middle-Eastern flair, from her book Flavour.

Three words rule the recipes I like to write: simple, flavourful and economical… and in order to stick to these principles, I choose to write the kind of recipes that remain straight-forward, accessible, adaptable and always full of flavour. Flavour is such an important element of my cooking. No matter what food I make, or where or what I eat, taste is everything. To me, flavour is comfort, satisfaction and even nostalgia, but importantly, it never has to be complicated, heavy-handed or extreme. Life is too short to eat bland food; sometimes a little seasoning, a flourish of herbs or a squeeze of lemon or drizzle of honey is all it takes to really elevate an otherwise simple dish into something that suddenly bursts with big, bold flavour. I get so much pleasure from the simplest of flavours that sometimes I wonder if all I need is salt and pepper to carry me through life. However, I have so much appreciation for a well-stocked kitchen cupboard, and for me, opening the door of my store cupboard can create a myriad of new possibilities, delivering endless combinations for vibrant and exciting new tastes using ingredients that you may also have tucked away in your cupboard.