Water that bubbles up from way beneath the Earth is a rich resource – a literal well of wellness

Below the towering mountains of The Remarkables lies the Gibbston Valley spring source, at an altitude of 285 metres. There, 30-year-old snow and rain emerge as water for the Fleck brand, which claims to contain double the mineral level of most waters bottled in New Zealand.

420 Volcanic is so named because it’s from an aquifer below an extinct volcano on Banks Peninsula. Even Waiheke Island has a small aquifer, deep below the island, bottled at source in limited quantities by Waiheke Water.

Brands like this, bottled straight from the source, still contain all their original minerals (silica, bicarbonate, sulphate, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) which have benefits for our health. Let’s drink to that. DAVID BURTON

Where’s the source?

Kauri Springs aquifer beneath Mt Pukekaroro Scenic Reserve near Kaiwaka, Northland Water for Everyone

Waiheke Island aquifer Waiheke Water

Blue Spring, Putāruru Pump NZ Spring Water, Kiwaii, Te Waihou Reserve Waiz New Zealand Blue Spring Water

Otakiri aquifer in eastern Bay of Plenty Antipodes, U Water, Otakiri Springs, 1907Water

Tai Tapu aquifer Canterbury SpringFresh

Banks Peninsula aquifer below an extinct volcano in the foothills 420 Volcanic

Gibbston Valley spring Fleck