After a career spanning 25 years cooking in the USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand, I wanted to create a food ‘bible’ to celebrate some of the world’s great classic dishes; to share what I have learned working with incredible chefs, creating truly outstanding recipes. These are the recipes that have stood the test of time and will continue to do so. These are the dishes that, I believe, everyone needs to cook and experience at least once in their lifetime.

The Recipe is for anyone who loves to cook and I hope you will treasure the recipes forever. Let them get dog-eared, dusted with flour and stained with ingredients and cooking splashes, but most of all let them be loved, and returned to again and again.

Here I have selected five of these classics that celebrate the complexity and variety of spices, deeply nuanced flavours and textures from many cuisines. (Note: 5% of the profits from The Recipe go to food security organisation, Action Against Hunger.)
