
200g Purple Dawn kūmara
200g golden kūmara
1 lemon
togarashi, to taste
600g octopus tentacles or approx. 2kg whole octopus
1 stem lemongrass, approx. 10cm
1 bayleaf
ice cubes
1 punnet shiso cress, to serve


1.Peel the purple kūmara, boil until soft then strain, season with salt and pepper and blitz to a smooth consistency, adding a little bit of the cooking water if necessary.
2.Peel the golden kūmara, boil until soft, then strain, season with salt and pepper, add togarashi to taste, add the zest of the lemon and juice of ½ lemon, and blitz to a smooth consistency, adding a little bit of the cooking water if necessary.
3.Make sure both purées have enough liquid as they will set when chilled in the fridge, so add cold water if necessary.
4.Put into separate squeezy bottles and chill.
5.If using a whole octopus wash it then cut off the tentacles very close to where they come together, giving you eight pieces.
6.Blanch the octopus tentacles for 3 seconds in boiling water, then refresh in an ice bath.
7.Repeat three times.
8.Add the lemongrass, the remaining ½ lemon and the bayleaf to the boiling water, add the tentacles and reduce the heat to a light simmer.
9.Place a plate that fits snugly into the pot on top of the octopus in order to submerge it completely.
10.Cook at low heat for about 45 minutes depending on the thickness of the tentacles.
11.Take a tentacle out and try a piece – if the consistency is pleasant (before it starts to feel tough and rubbery) take off the heat.
12.Remove the plate, add a handful of ice cubes and let the octopus cool down for 30 minutes in the liquid.
13.Cut any excess skin off the tentacles and portion them into bite-sized pieces.
14.Thread them onto skewers, season with salt and char on a hot barbecue until almost blackened.
15.Place the octopus anticucho on a plate, drizzle both sauces on top, scatter over the shiso cress and serve immediately.

Bites Patrick Schmitt – Head Chef at Madame George / Drinks Andrea Marseglia – Head Bartender at Madame George / Photography Jason Creaghan

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