
300g beef, eye fillet or New Zealand wagyu
30ml neutral oil
50ml sour cream
50ml cream
10g capers
4 brown anchovies
40g redcurrant preserve
40ml red wine vinegar
250g treviso lettuce, core removed
40g radish shoots, to serve

Sticking to the tradition of raw and focussing on red and white, this dish has been reinvented to eat more like a salad.

View the recipe collection here


1.Season the beef with salt and pepper and allow to stand for 4-5 minutes.
2.Heat oil in a heavy-based pan until lightly smoking and sear the exterior of the beef on all sides for 20-30 seconds (this is more to remove bacteria than it is for colour).
3.Allow beef to become cool to the touch and put in the freezer for 20 minutes.
4.While beef is chilling, put sour cream, cream, capers and anchovies into a small pot and cook over a low heat, stirring regularly, until anchovies dissolve and it barely comes to a simmer.
5.Remove from heat and blitz until smooth. Set aside.
6.Mix the redcurrant preserve and red wine vinegar and warm either in a pot or microwave until they combine easily. Set aside to cool.
7.Cut the treviso into coarse chunks approximately 3cm x 3cm.
8.Heat a large pan until hot and toast the treviso for approximately 1 minute in the dry pan until it wilts and small brown blisters just begin to show.
9.Remove from heat and place into a cold bowl.
10.Remove beef from the freezer and use a sharp knife to slice across the grain into 12 slices about 2mm thick, or as thin as you can.
11.Use a meat hammer to gently pat out the slices – aim to flatten, not pulverise.
12.Toss toasted treviso with anchovy cream and brush the redcurrant dressing over the sliced beef.
13.Put 3 slices of beef (approx. 60-70g per person) slightly overlapping on each plate; just let them drape as they will.
14.Arrange the salad loosely next to the beef and garnish with radish shoots.

Food styling, recipes & photography David Neville