
750g cream cheese, room temperature
250g crème fraîche
330g caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 teaspoons finely grated orange zest
5 eggs
50g cocoa
300ml thickened cream
100g dark chocolate, melted
orange slices, to serve
1 tablespoon orange juice
½ teaspoon orange essence
1 teaspoon gelatine powder
35g cocoa
2 tablespoons cream
55g caster sugar

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1.Heat the oven to 200°C fan forced or 220°C conventional.
2.Grease and line the base and sides of a 23cm round springform cake pan with baking paper, making sure the paper extends 2cm higher than the top of the tin.
3.Set aside on a baking tray until required.
4.Place the cream cheese, crème fraîche, sugar, vanilla essence and orange zest in a food processor and whizz until smooth and creamy.
5.Add the eggs one at a time, pulsing between additions, until smooth.
6.Combine the cocoa and cream, then add to the mixture along with the melted chocolate and whizz until smooth and combined.
7.Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula.
8.Reduce the oven to 180°C fan forced or 200°C conventional, and bake for 70-80 minutes, or until dark brown on top (it’s even OK if it’s slightly burnt towards the edges) with a slight wobble across the cheesecake.
9.Stand for 1 hour, then transfer to the fridge to cool completely for 4 hours until the centre of the cheesecake is firm to touch (or better still, chill it overnight).
10.For the Jaffa glaze, place the orange juice and essence in a small bowl and sprinkle over the gelatine.
11.Stand for 5 minutes, then mix to combine and set aside until required.
12.Put the cocoa and ¼ cup water in a saucepan and mix to create a paste.
13.Add the cream and sugar and place over a medium heat.
14.Stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes to a gentle boil.
15.Remove from the heat and add the gelatine mixture, stir to dissolve, return to the heat and stir until smooth.
16.Strain through a sieve into a jug and stand to cool to room temperature.
17.To serve, remove the cheesecake from the tin and place on a plate.
18.Pour over the glaze and serve with orange slices.

Recipes & photography Samantha Parish

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