
1 cup cream
2 tablespoons peanut butter (I like Fix & Foggs super crunchy)
2 tablespoons icing sugar
150ml milk
6g baking soda
330g plain flour
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
6g baking powder
4 bananas
220g soft brown sugar
220g caster sugar
3 eggs
160g butter, melted


2.Put all the ingredients in a stand mixer and whip until it doubles in size and it looks like whipped cream.
3.This can be refrigerated for a week and used on pretty much any dessert.
5.Heat the oven to 170°C.
6.Using the wrapper from the butter, grease and line a loaf tin (a tip I got from a volunteer).
7.Put the milk and baking soda into a saucepan and warm gently, then set aside.
8.Sift the flour, spices, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a bowl, repeating three times.
9.Put the bananas, sugars, eggs and butter into a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment.
10.Whisk on a medium speed, slowly pouring in the milk until a wet banana slurry is formed.
11.Add the sifted flour mix to the banana slurry in three parts, mixing well between each addition until you have a nice smooth batter.
12.Pour the batter into the paper-lined loaf tin.
13.Let the batter sit in the tin at room temperature for 15 minutes to rest before hitting the oven.
14.Bake for 30 minutes then turn the loaf tin around and bake for a further 15 minutes.
15.To check if it’s cooked, stick in a skewer; if it comes out clean it’s done.
16.Let it cool overnight, turn out and cut into thick slices. Spread over the peanut whip.

Recipes & food styling Jamie Robert Johnston / Photography Josh Griggs

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