
7g instant dried yeast
330g all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting
2-3 (130g) eggs
70ml full-fat milk
40g sugar
30g Maccabee’s honey
5g salt
170g unsalted butter, room temperature

Brioche is by far my favourite bread to toast. It’s so good: amazing for breakfast, great for afternoon tea and also perfect with savoury food for canapés or starters. This brioche includes honey for more flavour. For this recipe it is important to weigh the eggs (without the shells) as brioche needs specific hydration which is hard to estimate as it depends on what size eggs you’re using.

View the recipe collection here


1.Hydrate the yeast in a small quantity of water (the water should be room temperature not warm, as too warm would damage the yeast).
2.Put the flour, eggs, milk, sugar, honey, salt and hydrated yeast in a bowl.
3.Using the hook attachment on a mixer, start to work the dough at low speed. For the first few minutes you may need to help with a spatula until all ingredients are mixed together.
4.When all the ingredients are combined and the dough starts to shape, keep working it at low speed for about 15-20 minutes. This step is the most important for a good-quality brioche, so make sure you work the dough enough – you will know it is time to stop when the dough doesn’t stick so much to the bowl and becomes elastic.
5.Speed up the mixer to a medium speed and slowly add the soft butter, mixing until all the butter is incorporated.
6.Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it prove at room temperature for 1 hour, then place it in the fridge and leave it overnight or until it’s completely cold.
7.Once cold, take the dough out of the fridge and divide it into 10 equal portions.
8.Shape each portion into a ball by rolling on the bench (you can use a small amount of flour to prevent it sticking).
9.Then place the balls tidily in a loaf pan, in two rows of five.
10.Let it prove for 2 hours at room temperature or until it doubles in size.
11.Heat the oven to 150°C fan forced. Bake for 30 minutes, turning it around after 15 minutes if needed.
12.When it is a nice brown colour, test it by sticking a knife into the loaf. It is ready if the knife comes out clean.
13.When the brioche is cooked, unmould it and let it cool on a rack.
14.It is ready to serve when completely cool.

Recipes & food styling Alan Bartos / Photography Aaron McLean