
175g plain flour
100g butter, cut into cubes
70g oats
80g mature/aged cheddar, grated
380-400g small Jerusalem artichokes (about golf-ball size), washed
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 eggs
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
250ml milk
170ml pouring cream
80g grated pecorino
70g finely grated provolone

View the recipe collection here


1.To make the pastry, put the flour, butter and a pinch of salt into a food processor and process briefly until it starts to resemble breadcrumbs.
2.Add the oats and cheddar, but don’t over-process – don’t lose the texture of the oats and cheddar.
3.With the motor running on low, drizzle in 4-5 tablespoons iced water, until it just comes together; again, don’t over-process it.
4.Tip onto a bench and bring the pastry together by hand. Don’t overwork the pastry or it will become elastic and chewy, not short and crumbly.
5.Once it’s formed a ball, flatten into a disc and chill for at least 30 minutes.
6.Coat the artichokes in the olive oil and bake at 220°C fan bake for 20-25 minutes, until golden.
7.Remove from the oven and reduce the heat to 200°C fan bake.
8.Grease a 25-27cm loose-bottomed fluted flan tin and line the base with baking paper.
9.Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured bench until it is about ½cm thick, then press it into the tin and chill for 30 minutes.
10.Remove the pastry case from the fridge, line it with a crumpled sheet of non-stick baking paper, then fill with baking beans or uncooked rice.
11.Bake at 200°C fan bake for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 190°C fan bake.
12.Whisk together the eggs, mustard, milk and cream, add the pecorino and season.
13.Pour three-quarters of this mixture into the tart shell, add the artichokes, then pour in the remaining egg mixture.
14.Sprinkle with the provolone (I try to avoid putting cheese on the artichokes that stick up out of the egg custard, to give a better finished look).
15.Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until golden and softly set (the centre should not feel too firm).
16.Rest in the tin for 15 minutes, then remove, cut and serve freshly baked (although it’s also good at room temperature).

Recipes & food styling Marc Weir / Photography Amber-Jayne Bain