
2 pāua, tenderised
1 clove garlic
1 pinch chilli flakes
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
zest of 1 lemon plus wedges to serve
2 tablespoons olive oil

More often than not I cook seafood with a bare minimum of flavourings and these little skewers make for a perfect small snack. For ease of threading onto the skewers, it’s best to remove the skirt and set aside for another use.

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1.Slice the pāua very thinly (you might find this easier if you put the shucked and tenderised pāua in the freezer for 30 minutes first) and put into a bowl.
2.Mash the garlic to a paste with a little sea salt using the side of your knife.
3.Mix with the chilli flakes, parsley, lemon zest and oil and put into a bowl with the pāua and mix well.
4.Marinate for 30 minutes then thread onto pre-soaked bamboo skewers.
5.Grill on a barbecue or in a pan over a high heat, cooking for 30 seconds on each side.
6.Serve with lemon wedges.

Recipes & food styling Ginny Grant / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Jessica Hemmings

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