
150g wholemeal flour
350g plain flour
4g (1 teaspoon, half a packet) instant yeast
1 teaspoon sea salt
50ml olive oil
300ml lukewarm water


1.Combine the flours, instant yeast and sea salt.
2.Add the olive oil and water and knead by hand until the dough comes together.
3.Leave for 15 minutes, knead briefly again and then put into an oiled bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to double in size, around 2 hours.
4.Divide the dough into 12 (approximately 70g of dough for each 18cm diameter pita).
5.Leave for 10 minutes.
6.Roll out thinly, ideally to around 2mm thick.
7.Leave for another 10 minutes.
8.Preheat the oven to 230°C with a baking stone if you have one (or use an oven tray).
9.Bake the pita in batches until puffy, around 2-3 minutes.
10.Remove and wrap in a clean tea towel.
11.If not using straight away you can reheat by frying in dry saucepan on each side until puffy.

Recipes & food styling Ginny Grant; Photography & styling Greta van der Star

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