
8 ripe, unblemished lemons
150g non-iodised coarse sea salt (I used pink Himalayan salt)

Preserved lemons really should be an icon of adventurers. They have been utilised to prevent scurvy at sea and take food flavour to the next level. Whenever I see preserved lemons in a person’s pantry, I know I am in the presence of an adventurer.


View the recipe collection here


1.Rinse and scrub the lemons and cut off any stems.
2.Cut 5mm from the tip of the lemons.
3.Cut the lemons lengthwise in half, but do not cut all the way through – keep the lemon attached at the base.
4.Then make another cut, as if you were cutting the lemons into quarters, but not all the way through.
5.Stand the lemons upright, pack a tablespoon of salt into their centre and place into a large, clean jar.
6.Add an additional pinch of salt to the jar for each lemon used. Repeat for the remaining lemons.
7.Using a pestle or similar tool, begin to crush the lemons in the jar to extract their juice.
8.Keep crushing until the juice begins to submerge the lemons.
9.If there is not enough juice to cover the lemons top it up with a small amount of water.
10.Put a non-reactive weight on top of the lemons to submerge them and seal the jar until finger tight.
11.Leave the lemons at room temperature to naturally cure and ferment for at least 2 weeks, but 4 weeks is preferable.
12.Remove the weight and store in the fridge for up to 6 months.

Food styling, recipes & photography David Neville