
30ml gin (I use Cardrona gin)
juice of ½ lime
50g blackberries or boysenberries
125ml Ribena or fruit juice
25g caster sugar
6 leaves gelatine, soaked and squeezed out


1.Infuse the gin with the lime and berries for a few hours.
2.Bring the Ribena or fruit juice and sugar to a low simmer and simmer until the sugar is dissolved.
3.Add the gin mixture and bring back to a simmer.
4.Remove from the heat and add the gelatine.
5.Stir well, pour through a fine sieve and allow to cool a little.
6.Spoon into silicone jetplane moulds (or any other suitable small mould).
7.Leave to set overnight, or at least 2-4 hours.
8.Remove from the moulds and use to make the Champagne jelly.

Photography Fraser Chatham

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