
60g wood chips for smoking
2 medium (500g) butterfish fillets, skin on, pin bones removed (use warehou or hāpuku if you can’t get butterfish)
70g bush honey
zest of 1 lemon
50g Marlborough flaky sea salt
3 teaspoons crushed coriander seeds
3 teaspoons crushed fennel seeds
2 teaspoons crushed caraway seeds
2 stalks wild fennel fronds or dill, finely chopped
50ml olive oil
1 fennel bulb, sliced very thinly
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
1 apple, thinly sliced
100ml crème fraîche or sour cream
200ml natural thick unsweetened yoghurt
20g horseradish cream
zest and juice of 1 lemon
20g Dijon mustard
8 cornichons, chopped (or use gherkins or pickled onions)
20g pickled capers
1 shallot, finely diced
1 stalk wild fennel fronds or dill, chopped
1 large pinch Marlborough flaky sea salt
½ loaf black barley bread (or your favourite sourdough)
70ml olive oil
Marlborough flaky sea salt

Tim Barnett from Ocean Speared is a true inspiration. Passionate, driven and innovative, Tim and his team free dive and spear each butterfish individually, meaning zero bycatch. Forward thinkers like Tim are the future of the New Zealand fishing industry.

View all recipes here


1.Prepare an envelope-shaped foil pouch, put the wood chips inside and poke small holes in the top.
2.Place the butterfish skin-side down on a metal rack.
3.Soften the honey and add the remaining ingredients.
4.Brush over the flesh of the butterfish and place uncovered in the fridge for at least 6 hours.
5.Heat a hooded barbecue on high and place the smoking pouch directly onto the grill.
6.Once it begins to smoke, place the rack with the fish over the smoking chips and close the lid.
7.Turn the barbecue off after 5 minutes.
8.Leave it closed with the fish inside for a further 10 minutes – to both smoke and cook the fish.
9.Check the temperature of the fish – it is done when it is 50°C (or when the flesh has turned opaque and is slightly firm when gently pressed).
10.Serve with the fennel remoulade, black barley crisps and some wedges of citrus and fresh herbs.
12.Set aside the celery, fennel and apple.
13.Mix all the other ingredients in a large bowl.
14.Add the apple and vegetables and mix.
15.Taste and season with a little more salt or pepper if you like.
16.Transfer the salad to a serving dish and chill until required.
17.This is best made on the same day you will serve it.
19.This is easier if the bread is a few days old.
20.Heat the oven to 170°C fan bake.
21.Slice the bread as thinly as possible (about 2mm thick) and place on a baking tray.
22.Brush liberally with olive oil, sprinkle lightly with salt and bake for 10-15 minutes until crispy and light golden.
23.Remove from the oven and allow to cool to become fully crispy.
24.These can be made the day before and stored in an airtight container.

Recipes & food styling Bradley Hornby / Photography Richard Briggs

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