
2 large Agria potatoes, peeled, diced into 2cm cubes
60g butter
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons dried horopito (I used Kaituna Farms brand)
450g tinned smoked fish (I used Sealords mackerel), drained
1 cup plain flour, plus a little extra for dusting
6 eggs, size 7
1½ cups dried breadcrumbs
2 medium-sized white onions, finely sliced
3 tablespoons sour cream
¼ cup white vinegar
neutral cooking oil, for frying
80g baby rocket leaves

This recipe shows off the ultimate benefits of tinned fish: it requires no refrigeration; has a tremendous shelf life; is typically very affordable and accessible; and with a few pantry items and very little hassle, can be transformed into something much more.

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1.Put the potatoes in a medium pot, cover with ample cold water and bring to a simmer.
2.Cook until you can stick in a fork without them breaking apart, about 18-20 minutes. It’s essential not to overcook the potatoes at this stage.
3.Drain the potatoes and press them through a sieve set over a clean pot, pressing with a spatula to ensure a smooth mash.
4.Add 30g butter and the lemon juice. Return the pot to a low heat and stir regularly for 3-4 minutes to remove any excess moisture.
5.Fold in the dried horopito and season the mash with salt and pepper to taste.
6.Flake 150g smoked fish and fold into the potato mash.
7.Lightly dust a work surface with flour and divide the mixture into 4 equal portions, shaping them into circles about 9-10cm diameter and 3cm high.
8.Put the flour in one bowl, beat 2 eggs in a separate bowl and put the breadcrumbs in a third bowl.
9.Coat the potato cakes in flour, then egg and finally breadcrumbs.
10.The croquettes can be prepared in advance and stored for cooking the following day.
11.Heat the remaining butter in a heavy- based pan, add the onions and cook over a medium heat for approximately 15 minutes until they turn lightly golden brown.
12.Remove from the heat and stir in the sour cream. Keep warm.
13.In a large frying pan heat 1cm oil. Once the oil is hot, gently pan-fry the croquettes on each side for 3-4 minutes over medium heat.
14.Turn them regularly to avoid burning.
15.While the croquettes are cooking, fill a medium-sized pot with water, add the vinegar and bring to a simmer.
16.Poach 4 eggs to your preferred level of doneness.
17.To serve, place the croquettes in the centre of a plate and evenly divide the onion and sour cream mixture on top of each croquette.
18.Garnish with fresh rocket leaves, remaining smoked fish and a poached egg.

Food styling, recipes & photography David Neville