
350g squid ink linguine
100ml extra virgin olive oil
1 shallot, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 tablespoon ’nduja
350g cooked fish (see recipe) or 400g fresh market fish, diced
100ml white wine
1 x 400g can Italian cherry tomatoes
150ml fish stock, hot (see recipe)
2 tablespoons dill, chopped
2 tablespoons ’nduja crumb (see recipe)
a small handful dill, to garnish
COOKED FISH preparation 35 mins / cook 10 mins
head, body, wings and belly parts of the fish
150ml extra virgin olive oil
250ml dry white wine
FISH STOCK makes 2 litres / preparation 5 mins / cook 40 mins
fish bones, scraps of meat and skin
1 onion, sliced
1 celery stick, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
1 bay leaf
1 small bunch dill or fennel fronds
½ teaspoon white peppercorns
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
50ml white wine
2 large slices bread (preferably sourdough), diced
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon ’nduja

View the recipe collection here


1.To make the ’nduja crumb, put the diced bread on a small tray, pour over the oil and bake at 140°C for 15 minutes or until golden and crunchy. Allow to cool.
2.Put into a blender, add the ’nduja and blend until it is in small chunky bits, making sure that it does not become too fine.
3.If it is a bit soft, put it back on the tray and toast it in the oven for a few extra minutes.
4.Cool, and put it in a covered jar until you are ready to use.
5.Add 6 tablespoons rock salt to 4 litres water and bring to the boil (this is correct for cooking 350g-400g pasta).
6.When boiling, add the pasta and stir well. Cook it until al dente or 2 minutes less than the time suggested on the pasta packet.
7.Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the shallots and garlic and gently fry them until golden.
8.Add the ’nduja and mix well, then add the cooked fish or the diced fresh fish and fry it for a minute on a high flame.
9.Add the white wine, cook it for 1 more minute on a high flame, add the cherry tomatoes, cook for 2 minutes.
10.Add the hot fish stock and keep cooking until the pasta is ready. Season to taste.
11.Drain the pasta and toss with the sauce until most of the stock has been absorbed by the pasta.
12.Add the chopped dill and serve on four individual plates or a large one to share.
13.Sprinkle the ’nduja crumb on top and garnish with a few dill leaves.
15.Heat the oven to 180°C.
16.Put the head, body, wings and belly parts of the fish on a large oven tray.
17.Pour over the olive oil and white wine and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
18.Put in the oven for 10 minutes.
19.Remove from the oven, cover the tray with foil and rest for 10 minutes or until it cools to room temperature.
20.Collect all the flesh of the fish.
21.Set aside all the bones and any remaining scraps of meat or skin (though be sure not to include any trace of guts) to use for the fish stock.
23.Place the fish bones and scraps in a stock pot, just cover with 2½ litres cold water and slowly bring to a simmer.
24.Add all the vegetables, bay leaf, dill, peppercorns and coriander seeds and bring to a simmer again.
25.Add the white wine, bring back to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes.
26.Cool to room temperature and strain out all the bones, vegetables and any impurities.
27.Use immediately, keep it in the fridge or freeze any surplus.

Recipes & food styling Sergio Maglione / Photography Manja Wachsmuth