
2 bulbs fennel
juice of ½ lemon
1 loaf bread, sliced (I used baguette)
extra oysters for topping, chopped if large
pomegranate arils, to serve
sumac, to serve
4 raw oysters (or more depending on how strong you like it), roughly chopped
1 egg yolk (optional)
200ml rapeseed oil (I used The Good Oil)
lemon juice to taste (start with 1-2 tablespoons)

Normally when I make mayonnaise I prefer to use olive oil, but here the delicacy of the oysters is lost if using strongly flavoured oil. I’ve become a huge fan of rapeseed oil, locally grown and produced by The Good Oil, and that is what I have used here. It’s not necessary to use an egg yolk here to emulsify the mayonnaise but it does remove the risk of it splitting. Feel free to top the bruschetta with more oysters as I have done.


1.Thinly slice the fennel (if doing ahead put into acidulated water).
2.Chop and reserve the fronds.
3.Heat a grill or barbecue and char the fennel on each side for a few minutes until tender, then put into a bowl with the lemon juice.
4.Add enough of the oyster mayonnaise to coat the fennel, season with salt and pepper and add most of the fronds.
5.Grill the bread for a few minutes on each side.
6.Arrange the fennel slaw on the toast/bruschetta, sprinkle with pomegranates, sumac and extra oysters if using.
7.Scatter over the remaining fennel fronds and serve immediately.
9.Using a food processor or stick blender, blend the oysters and egg yolk until smooth.
10.Very slowly add the rapeseed oil, until it starts to thicken and emulsify, thinning it down with a little lemon juice and extra water if required.
11.Season to taste.
12.Keep refrigerated until required.

Recipes & food styling Ginny Grant / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Fiona Lascelles

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