
600g ham
2-3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
3 tablespoons capers
1⁄2 cup cornichons
600ml well-flavoured chicken stock
4 leaves gelatine
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar

Terrines like this are perfect for grazing lunches, served with crusty bread and piccalilli. Traditionally this would be made with a ham stock (and do so by all means if you bought a ham on the bone) but I often think a well-flavoured chicken stock works just as well, and that is what I used here. I made the terrine in a loaf tin with a 900ml capacity, but you can adjust the recipe for a smaller amount to set in the container of your choice.

View the recipe collection here


1.Brush or spray a 900ml capacity terrine tin or loaf tin with a little oil and then line with a couple of layers of plastic wrap, allowing for plenty of overhang.
2.Cut a piece of cardboard to fit the top of the tin and wrap in foil (this is used for weighting the terrine).
3.Discard any fat and sinew from the ham and shred into small pieces.
4.Mix in a bowl with the parsley, capers and cornichons.
5.Season with freshly ground cracked pepper.
6.Put the chicken stock into a pan and bring to a simmer.
7.Soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes to soften.
8.Squeeze out the excess water, then put into the hot chicken stock, stirring well until it dissolves. Allow to cool to room temperature.
9.Add the vinegar to the stock and taste, adding seasoning if necessary.
10.Press the ham mixture firmly into the tin.
11.Pour over the stock then tap the tin on the bench to get rid of any air bubbles.
12.Wrap tightly with the overhanging plastic wrap, put the cardboard lid on top, press down with weights (use some heavy cans) and refrigerate overnight.
13.Remove from the tin, discard the plastic wrap and invert onto a serving dish or board.
14.Slice with a sharp, serrated knife and serve with a salad, crusty bread and a favourite relish or pickle.

Recipes & food styling Ginny Grant / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Jess Hemmings