
1½ cups white vinegar
1½ cups sugar
1 medium cauliflower, cut into florets
1½ cups tempura flour, plus extra for coating
½ bunch chives, chopped
1½ cups sriracha sauce
2 tablespoons (30g) coconut oil
3 litres canola oil, for deep-frying
½ cup whole almonds
1 cup coconut yoghurt
½ avocado
juice of 2 lemons


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1.Combine the vinegar, ½ cup sugar and 1 cup water in a pan.
2.Simmer for a few minutes until the sugar is dissolved, then cool.
3.Once the pickle liquid reaches room temperature, add the cauliflower florets and pickle for 30 minutes.
4.Gently combine the tempura flour, half the chopped chives and 2 cups cold water until it is smooth.
5.Heat the sriracha sauce with the coconut oil and 1 cup sugar, whisking it until it is well combined and forms an emulsion.
6.Heat up the canola oil in a deep pan.
7.Take the cauliflower out of the pickling liquid, roll it in excess tempura flour and then dip into the tempura batter.
8.Deep-fry for 5 minutes until it is golden and crispy on the outside.
9.Toss with the sriracha sauce .
10.For the almond mayo, lightly toast the almonds then blend with coconut yoghurt, avocado, lemon juice and some salt.
11.Add a little water to make it smooth.
12.Serve the cauliflower hot with the almond mayo, topped with the rest of the chopped chives.

Drinks Johan Cabrera / Food Abhijit Dey / Photography Jamie Bowring

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