Butterflied chicken with harissa, creamed corn & salsa.

Blitz together some preserved lemon, oil, harissa, smoked paprika and garlic. Smear all over a butterflied chicken. Bake or barbecue until cooked. Serve with a simple creamed corn by cutting kernels from the cob (allow one cob per person), put in a pot with chicken stock to come halfway up the kernels. Add a knob of butter, salt and pepper, and some sour cream. Cook for 5 minutes, adding fresh coriander. Blitz half the mix if you wish. Serve with a salsa of chopped cucumber and tomato.

Sweetcorn & white bean fritters.

Blanch 3 cobs of corn and, remove the kernels. Put half the kernels in a food processor with 1 x 400g can drained and rinsed white beans and blitz together. Add the remaining kernels. Season with salt and pepper, add plenty of chopped coriander, parsley, basil or mint, along with some chilli flakes, 3 tablespoons flour and ½ teaspoon baking powder. Spoon into a frying pan heated with oil. These are quite soft so handle gently. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden. Delicious served with the tomato and zucchini gratin or a simple green salad.

Tomato & zucchini gratin.

Slice 6 zucchini into rounds and salt for 20 minutes if you have time. Rinse and dry and put into a bowl with 4 tomatoes (low acid or meaty tomatoes with little liquid are best here) sliced into rounds. Add 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced, and shredded basil leaves. Oil a gratin dish, pile in the
vegetables. Season well and drizzle generously with olive oil. Lightly oil ½ cup fresh breadcrumbs and mix in a couple of tablespoons grated Parmesan. Scatter the crumbs over the vegetables and bake for 30-40 minutes or until bubbling and golden.

Grilled broccolini with dukkah.

Blanch the broccolini (or use broccoli) for 1 minute, drain and refresh, then grill on a barbecue for 3-4 minutes until lightly charred and tender. Dress with a citrus olive oil (lemon, lime or yuzu), scatter with dukkah and chopped roasted nuts such as hazelnuts or walnuts.


In a blender combine 100g silken tofu, a small garlic clove, ½ teaspoon sea salt, 2 tablespoons tahini, the grated rind of 1 lime and juice of ½ and blitz until smooth. Refrigerate until required (it will thicken up in the fridge so you may need to add water to reach a drizzling consistency). In a dry pan toast some pumpkin seeds. Peel and very thinly slice some pumpkin (use a mandolin). Grill for a few minutes on each side, in batches, then toss with lime juice, add coriander leaves and serve with the tofutahini dressing and scatter with the pumpkin seeds.

Beef sausages, chimichurri & pasta.

Make a chimichurri of finely chopped parsley, chopped fresh chilli or flakes, fresh oregano, garlic, toasted and ground cumin, vinegar and olive oil. Squeeze sausage meat from the skins into small meatballs and fry until cooked through. Cook pasta such as penne or cavatelli, add to the pan with the sausages, add the chimichurri, a splash of pasta cooking water and toss to coat. Season to taste.

Late summer fish soup.

Fry onion, carrot and celery and a sprig or two of thyme until soft. Add a dash of white wine, chopped fresh tomatoes and cook for a few minutes. Add fish, chicken or vegetable stock and bring to a simmer. Add some small diced potatoes and cook until tender. Fry or grill pieces of fish, put into bowls, ladle over the soup and add chopped herbs such as tarragon, parsley or chives.

Jerusalem artichoke, celery, rocket and hot smoked salmon.

Scrub and, if preferred, peel the artichokes and put into acidulated water. Very thinly slice artichokes and celery, mix with rocket leaves, toss with a lemon juice and olive oil dressing. Top with chunks of hot smoked salmon. Soft-boiled eggs would be a good addition.