
3 shallots, diced
¼ cup raspberries, fresh or frozen and thawed
3 tablespoons malt vinegar
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon raw sugar
300g (approx) fresh raw fish, thinly sliced (we recommend kahawai or trevally)
1 handful coriander, finely chopped, to serve
extra virgin olive oil, to serve
sea salt, to serve

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1.Stir together the shallots, raspberries, vinegar, salt and sugar in a bowl, gently mashing the raspberries with a spoon to break them up.
2.Leave for 10-15 minutes (you can make dressing up to 24 hours before using and keep in a jar in the fridge).
3.Arrange raw fish on a plate and spoon dressing over.
4.Garnish with coriander, a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt.
5.The dressing is also delicious with roasted zucchini or eggplant, on fresh oysters or it is lovely drizzled over the corn, peach and mozzarella salad.

Food styling, recipes and photography Will Bowman & Jane Lyons

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