
2kg tuatua, purged
2 small potatoes (about 200g)
100g self raising flour
1 x 5g packet dried dashi stock or 1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 cups very finely shredded cabbage, thick stems discarded
2 tablespoons chopped chives or chervil
2-3 tablespoons oil
2-3 tablespoons butter
4 small sheets seaweed (I use Ceres organics seaweed snacks)
2 egg yolks
½ teaspoon togarashi Japanese spice, optional
3 teaspoons lemon juice
150ml neutral-flavoured oil, such as rapeseed

With tuatua there is nothing nicer than mixing the chopped meat with a simple batter, and frying. Here I have stretched the mix further with cabbage and potato. I use Lauraine Jacobs’ method of freezing the fresh tuatua in their shells so they only get cooked once, or use Cloudy Bay tuatua that are easy to shuck. If time is short mix the seaweed, lemon and togarashi seasoning into good-quality mayo to serve.


1.Put the tuatua on a tray and freeze for at least 2 hours or until needed.
2.Put the potatoes in a pot with cold water, bring to the boil for 5 minutes then drain, cool and grate. Set aside.
3.Shuck the tuatua, chop the flesh finely and set aside.
4.Drain the juices into a measuring cup and make up to 160ml with water.
5.Put the flour, dashi powder or salt, and liquid into a large bowl and whisk together until smooth.
6.Gently whisk in the eggs then fold in the tuatua meat, grated potato, cabbage and chives.
7.Heat a large heavy-based frying pan to a medium heat, add the oil and butter and swirl around to coat the bottom.
8.Fry spoonfuls of mixture for 3 minutes, flattening them out a little, then flip and cook a further 3 minutes.
9.Serve with seaweed mayonnaise.
11.Put the seaweed in a mortar and pestle and grind to a rough powder with a pinch of salt. Set aside.
12.Put the egg yolks, togarashi and 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice in a bowl and whisk together.
13. Add the oil, drop by drop, whisking continuously until thick. Stir through the seaweed and remaining lemon juice.
14.Refrigerate until needed. Will keep in the fridge for a week.

Recipes & Food Styling Fiona Smith / Photography Aaron Mclean / Styling Ellen J Hemmings

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