Toast in any form is one of my favourite meals at any time of the day. Grilled cheese with slivers of onion on toast cannot be beaten, neither can the breakfast favourite of avocado with a liberal dousing of lemon juice, salt and pepper, and, if I’m feeling so inclined, a good drizzle of sriracha. I’ve never understood why toast/bruschetta is underrated, as it’s easy to prepare and is a lesson in simplicity.

A good loaf of day-or-so-old bread, sliced and grilled on both sides, rubbed with a cut clove of garlic, drizzled with good extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt, is a delight to eat just as it is while still warm. Of course, toppings never go amiss either. They are the ideal way to use up leftovers or scraps, can be as simple as sliced tomatoes and basil or as complicated as you wish. I’ve chosen to match a few interesting flavours together using the last of the last summer produce.